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Hi Robin,

I bought one of your female yorkie-poo pups May 6.

She is a delight, we all love her.  We named her

She loves the chew stick you gave us but I can't seem
to find one like it anywhere.  Could you please tell
me what it is and where I can find it.

Carole OKeefe



Hi, I just love writing and saying Ella's" formal" name! She is all finished with her shots. Gets spayed on the 5th--Happy Birthday, Ella!--and starts obedience classes on the 21st.  She is growing--now up to 15 lbs.--gained 2 1/2 lbs. in 3 weeks!!!  I'm keeping the puppy cut so she looks like an adorable fluff ball.  Am hoping she keeps that tri color as it's so pretty and different. Such company and such a love!! My grands adore her, and i think my 5 yr. old granddaughter would love to have her at their house on a permanent basis! Sarah asks if Ella can come to their house or if Ella and I are there if she can stay--not me you notice!!! They have a dog also by the way. When I had Ella at my vet yesterday Dr. Boeing mentioned some others have come in with pups from you. I still go on your website just to see what's up. The pups have certainly been flying out. May they all find as loving a home and be as loved as Ella is. Am so glad my daughter found your web site. When I learn how to e-mail photos i will send one or two of Ella Bella. Thanks again, Sandy


Hi Robin,
Just a word and a couple cute pictures of my wonderful pups. They love each other already and I'm in puppy heaven. Many thanks for them both.
We named the little guy Oliver. The yorkie poo is Quincy.


Hi Robin,
Just wanted to thank you again for being so patient with us when we chose
Cleo, our Cavachon puppy.
She's an amazing addition to our family!
Best regards,
The Falberg Family
Lily, Jacob, Sam, Cleo (and Eric and Karen)


Hi Robin,
Just a word to let you know how wonderful little Quincy
is doing. He's healthy, smart, and so much fun. We are totally in love with him.
Thanks so much.
Jan Wilson



Hi Robin,

Back in October (15th to be exact) we bought a male Havanese puppy from you, "Henry".  He has been the most wonderful addition to our family and we are hoping to bring home another one soon.  I was just wondering how old the female is listed under "available" puppies.  And also, while we may not be quite ready right now for another puppy, would you keep us in mind should you receive any more in the next 6 months or so?????? Thanks


Heather Jewell


Hi Robin,
We have bought Hugo our 20 months Yorkie-Poo from you and we're extremely happy, Hugo is very adorable and smart dogie we decided that it's time for Hugo to have a girlfriend;)
Please let us know when you might have Female Yorkie-Poo available or Cava-Poo.


This is  Tanny poo as my toddler calls him. Not the best lighting but I tried. He is fully trained and doing pretty good so far. I have almost fallen on him once or twice because I am still not used to him under my feet 24/7. He sits and rolls over on command. Now if I could teach him to clean the house or even better...... make coffee.  I will send pictures as he grows with better lighting next time I hope.



Hi Robin!

I hope you and your family are enjoying this holiday season.  Our little "Juno" is doing wonderfully!  She is adored by our entire family and everyone who meets her!  She's nearly 6 months old, almost 40 pounds, and was just spayed last week (recuperating beautifully.)  She is an absolute bundle of joy with the most "waggly" tail of any dog on the planet!  We just wanted to share with you our Christmas card (photo attached) and let you know how happy we have been with our goldendoodle.  If you keep in contact with the breeder, please pass along our update and let him know how happy Juno is with our family.
Happy holidays!
Margerita Romanello and family
Lake Zurich


Hi Robin,
It's been just over 2 months since we brought our puggle Max home (we picked him up on Dec.3rd).  He's doing GREAT!  We bell trained him within 2 weeks and haven't had an accident since.  Those bells are wonderful!  He also crate trained very easily.  He's doing great in puppy class.  We are finding that he is very stubborn and will do something when he is ready or if a treat is involved!!!  He is growing quite nicely.  When we brought him home (10 wks old) he weighed 6.11 lbs and at his most recent vet visit (16 wks) he weighed in at 11.13 lbs!  He's also very resilient and tough!  We had him fixed 2 days ago and would never know it today that he had surgery based on how he is acting! He's a great combination lap dog and play dog.  He loves to run around and play with the girls but also loves to sit on your lap and sleep or chew his toys.  He's quite spoiled.  Our girls still say Max was the best Christmas present we have ever given them.  I would have to agree!  They are STILL fighting over him!
Thanks again for selling us such a GREAT dog!  I have also attached a recent picture of Max so you can see how he is doing.

Nancy Brock


Hi thank you so much for our puppy the havapoo. She is a delight to have.  We named her Lilly.  She misses her puppy siss and bros. We will send a pic of her when she is growing up.  

thanks tammy



Hi Robin
We named the puppy Emma, and she is doing really well
She became part of the family very fast
What kind of shampoo did you use on her, there are so many to pick from, I dont want to pick one that may irritate her skin
 Thanks again for your help

Hi Robin,
My name is Kari Darmstadter and my husband and I received our yorkie maltese Bella for Chanukah from my mother in law, Bunnie Mesirow who bought two puppies from you in the same day.
Bella is an outstanding dog, at 7 months old, she's a love!  We adore her, as do my parents who are interested in not only getting their own yorkie maltese, but would like to know if they can get a female puppy from Bella's parents, as she has the most outstanding personality and temperment.  Here is the identity of Bella's parents info:  Sire name- Fletcher's Tiny Boy Boo, Dam name- Fletcher's Tiny Cookie.
I see on your website that yorkie malteses will be available tomorrow, May 13th. Any chance any of them are from the above sire and dam?  If not, when might you expect your next litter of yorkie malteses to be available?  And might any be from Fletcher's Tiny Boy Boo and Cookie?
Attached are a couple of pictures of Bella.

Kaedee 4 months March 22 - first trip to groomers.  She is adorable, very smart and trained very easily - We just love her - THANK YOU for Kaedee    She is great around kids too!!!


Thank you so much for Karma! She has given our home so much joy. We are now looking for a playmate for her. Preferably a darker pup with browns and blacks. Any pup that meets that criteria would be appreciated. We will be sending photos soon. Thanks again.


Hi Robin,
We still come back to your site to see the new puppies you have! J  It’s still just as fun!!
Kirby is now almost 6 months old.  I can’t believe how fast time has gone.  He is still the center of attention and we just love him!!
I attached a few pictures so you could see our “baby”.  He just loves to play!
 Thanks again and have a very Merry Christmas!
Lori Kalahar

Hi Robin!
We are in love with our schnauzer shih tzu "Kosmo" that we bought from you on 4/14/07.  We're encouraging our friends to watch for Kosmo on your website.  Could you please add our new addition to your "sold" board?
Kyle, Kaleigh & Kosmo Fischer
 Hi Robin,
I adopted Mia from you about two and a half years ago.  I couldn't ask for a better dog, she's my best friend...even goes to work with me every day!  I have a friend who is interested in finding a Labradoodle.  Do you forsee having any available soon?
 You mentioned that you liked to get pictures too....hope you enjoy.
 Thanks again,


Hello!                          This is JoAnn May. We are in love with our new yorkie poo , Luka, and everyone has been commenting on his lovely smell. Can you please respond with the brand name of the shampoo ? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for the wonderful new addition to our family!
The May Family          



Hi Robin!

I have had Maddux now for 3 weeks & he is healthy & happy and the love of my life!  He is nearly paper trained already.  It was a pleasure doing business with you and I will definitely reccomend pups4kids going forward.  I have attached a photo of Maddux for you!

Thanks again!
-Rae & Brandon




My son Hunter and I picked up a male yorkie-poo on 10/26/08 and I just wanted to give you a follow-up.  My son named him Cody and from the moment we left, Cody transfered his attachment from his other litter mate you had to my son.  If Hunter is not in site, Cody is always searching for him-he even will jump into the shower and sit down just to be near him.  That was cute the first couple times, but now the bathroom door has to be shut.  I admit though it has made grooming time a breeze!  He fussed the first night about 15min in his kennel and then never again and is doing quite well with his daytime potty training.  Cody had his required vet check up on 10/21 with an outstanding exam to report.  
Thank you so much!

Nicole  & Hunter


Hi Robin.

When Doug brought Matlock home from the groomer, we found that he had a puppy cut. That worked for our Yorkies but not for Matlock. Fortunately, his coat is growing out. He is becoming quite coy about asking for water, so I am sending a shot of him doing that. I don't have normal shots of him just standing. With him it is 100 miles an hour or sleep. He is a fine pup, and he sends you his best.



   We love our dog we bought from you a few years ago. We are thinking about possibly a second. Our dog now is a male sheltie poo and we are wondering if we should get a male or female.
 Have a nice day,
    Marianne Brailov


    I don't know if you remember me but I adopted a little black maltipoo about a month ago she is the cutest and funniest dog in the world!
                            Caroline Luetkemeyer


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